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Tool Library Best Practice Guidelines – Evaluation Checklist (opens new tab)

Tool Information: INTAKE24

Full Nutrient, Food Groups Retrospective 1Day 24 Hour Recall No


Intake24 is an online dietary recall system which can be completed by participants remotely. Originally designed for use by people aged 11–24 years it was subsequently extended for the general adult population and validated by the doubly labelled water method.

Contact Information info

Tool Website

Special Considerations

The system is based on the multiple-pass 24-h recall and contains a database of over 2500 foods linked to food composition codes.Versions are available for the UK, Portugal, Denmark, New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates, with versions for India and Australia under development.

Last Updated info


Software Required

Computer access

Training Required


Instructions on use

Instructions for the participants provided on the tool.

Administration Method


Data Analysis

Instructions on how the dietary data was analysed can be found in the publications and website

Author Year Comparator Lifestage Sex Number of Nutrients Validated Mean Difference Variance Measured info Correlation Coefficients Percentage Agreement Limits of Agreement Special Considerations Action
Bradley 2016 24hr Recall Adolescents Both 10 The population represented a range of socio-economic status and ethnicity.
24hr Recall Adults Both 10
Foster 2019 Doubly labelled water Adults Both 8 N/A