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Tool Library Tool Information Best Practice Guidelines – Evaluation Checklist (opens new tab)

Validation Information: WebFFQ (Norway Adults)

Medin 2017

The validity of a web-based FFQ assessed by doubly labelled water and multiple 24-h recalls

The aim of this study was to validate the estimated habitual dietary intake from a newly developed web-based FFQ (WebFFQ), for use in an adult population in Norway. In total, ninety-two individuals were recruited. Total energy expenditure (TEE) measured by doubly labelled water was used as the reference method for energy intake (EI) in a subsample of twenty-nine women, and multiple 24-h recalls (24HR) were used as the reference method for the relative validation of macronutrients and food groups in the entire sample. Absolute differences, ratios, crude and deattenuated correlations, cross-classifications, Bland-Altman plot and plots between misreporting of EI (EI-TEE) and the relative misreporting of food groups (WebFFQ-24HR) were used to assess the validity. Results showed that EI on group level was not significantly different from TEE measured by doubly labelled water (0.7 MJ/d), but ranking abilities were poor (r -0.18). The relative validation showed an overestimation for the majority of the variables using absolute intakes, especially for the food groups 'vegetables' and 'fish and shellfish', but an improved agreement between the test and reference tool was observed for energy adjusted intakes. Deattenuated correlation coefficients were between 0.22 and 0.89, and low levels of grossly misclassified individuals (0-3 %) were observed for the majority of the energy adjusted variables for macronutrients and food groups. In conclusion, energy estimates from the WebFFQ should be used with caution, but the estimated absolute intakes on group level and ranking abilities seem acceptable for macronutrients and most food groups.

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Validation Information

Year of Publication

Tool Information

Dietary Exposure Measured
Energy, Macronutrient, Food Groups
Tool Type
Food Frequency Questionnaire
Timeframe Tool Measures info
1 Year
Portion Size Measures info
Portion size was shown by food photographs.
Reporting Method info
Usual; Retrospective
Format info
Supplements Measured
Administration Method info

Study Information

Study Location
Oslo, Norway
Associated Nutrient Database
Nutrition composition database KBS
Comparator Validated Against
24hr Recall, Doubly Labelled Water


Sample Size
92 (Adults)
Age of Population

Mean(SD): 44.4 years

Other Notable Characteristics
Norwegian adult population

Total number of nutrients validated: 4 info

Not all of the nutrients validated in the validation studies are included in the table below, as statistical data was only selected to be displayed for a number of nutrients, this included:

  • Energy
  • Fat
  • Saturated Fat
  • Mono-unsaturated Fat
  • Poly-unsaturated Fat
  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Sugar
  • Non‐starch polysaccharides(NSP)
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Retinol
  • Folate
  • Folic Acid
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Fruit & Vegetables
  • Urinary Nitrogen

To find information on the other validated nutrients please read the validation study.

  • Energy
  • Macronutrients: 4
  • Micronutrients: 0
Comparator Lifestage Sex Nutrient Measured info Mean Difference Standard Deviation info Correlation Coefficient info Cohen's Kappa Coefficient Percentage Agreement Percentage Agreement Categories info Lower Limits of Agreement Upper Limits of Agreement
24hr Recall Adults Both Protein (g) 15 (Median) 0.37 (P) 38 4
Fat (g) 14 (Median) 0.41 (P) 33 4
Carbohydrates (g) 34 (Median) 0.41 (P) 39 4
Fiber (g) 12 (Median) 0.19 (P) 34 4
Fruit (g) 10 (Median) 0.59 (P) 41 4
Vegetable (g) 208 (Median) 0.42 (P) 35 4

Some results have been calculated using statistical techniques based on the published data.

For further information on statistical terms click on Statistical tests used in validation studies

All correlations coefficients in the table are unadjusted unless stated otherwise. For adjusted correlation coefficients and other statistical methods used in the study e.g. paired t-tests, please read the validation articles.

  • # Adjusted
  • † Energy adjusted.
  • ‡ For loge-transformed, energy-adjusted nutrient intakes.
  • ^ Adjacent included.
  • ᵟ Participants provided identical responses.
  • (w) = Weighted.

Medin AC, Carlsen MH, Hambly C, Speakman JR, Strohmaier S, Andersen LF. The validity of a web-based FFQ assessed by doubly labelled water and multiple 24-h recalls. British Journal of Nutrition. 2017;118(12):1106-17.