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Tool Library Best Practice Guidelines – Evaluation Checklist (opens new tab)

Tool Information: FFQ (Whitehall II Study)

Full Nutrient, Food Groups Usual; Retrospective 1 Year Food Frequency Questionnaire No


This tool is a semi-quantitative paper based food frequency questionnaire, which includes 127 food items and questions regarding the types of fat or oil used for frying and baking. Using standard portion sizes, it is intended to measure how often, on average, adults had consumed an amount of the 127 food items during the previous year. This tool has been validated once in 2001.

Contact Information info

Tool Website

Special Considerations

This tool is unavailable. The tool is based on that used in the US Nurses Health Study (Willett et al., 1985, 1998) and was adapted for the EPIC project in the UK after discussions with the tools project team. The tool was also used as a model for the EPIC baseline survey. There are only some very minor differences e.g. colour versus black and white photos for portion size estimation, between this tool and the ones used in the EPIC studies.

Last Updated info


Software Required


Training Required

Not reported

Instructions on use

Not reported

Administration Method


Data Analysis

Instructions on how the dietary data was analysed can be found in the publications.

Author Year Comparator Lifestage Sex Number of Nutrients Validated Mean Difference Variance Measured info Correlation Coefficients Percentage Agreement Limits of Agreement Special Considerations Action
Brunner 2001 Estimated Food Diary Adults Male Only 18 Participants were drawn from the Whitehall II longitudinal study of British civil servants (Marmot et al., 1991)
Estimated Food Diary Adults Female Only 18