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Tool Library Best Practice Guidelines – Evaluation Checklist (opens new tab)

Tool Information: FFQ

Micronutrient Usual; Retrospective 1 Year Food Frequency Questionnaire No


This tool is a comprehensive quantitative, paper based, food frequency questionnaire. Using standard portion sizes, it is intended to measure the average yearly dietary intake and the use of vitamin supplements in a Scottish population. This tool has been validated once in 1998.

Contact Information info

Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health, University of Aberdeen

Tool Website

Special Considerations

The publication which describes the development of the FFQ by Lanham & Bolton-Smith,1993 could not be accessed. The structure of the questionnaire was based on the Caerphilly FFQ (Yarnell et al., 1983) used in the Scottish Heart (Bolton-Smith & Milne, 1991).Changes were made to the order of questions and foods commonly consumed in north-east Scotland were added. An update to the food composition table is required.

Last Updated info


Software Required

Not reported

Training Required

Yes, participants need to be trained by interviewers.

Instructions on use

Not reported

Administration Method


Data Analysis

Instructions on how the dietary data was analysed can be found in the publications.

Author Year Comparator Lifestage Sex Number of Nutrients Validated Mean Difference Variance Measured info Correlation Coefficients Percentage Agreement Limits of Agreement Special Considerations Action
Bodner 1998 Biomarkers Adults Male Only 4 Participants were part of a trial looking at antioxidant intake and adult onset asthma.
Biomarkers Adults Female Only 4