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Tool Library Best Practice Guidelines – Evaluation Checklist (opens new tab)

Tool Information: Weighed Food Diary (DONALD)

Macronutrient Prospective 1 day Weighed Food Diary No


This tool is a 3 day weighed food diary used in the Dortmund Nutritional and Longitudinally Designed (DONALD) Study alongside 24hr urine samples taken on the third day of the weighed food diary. The study offered the opportunity to validate the food diary against a biomarker. The sample included a wide range of ages (early childhood, mid-childhood, puberty and young adulthood) and both girls and boys. Data was collected on all foods and drinks consumed as well as leftovers, the brands of items and recipes were also collected.

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Special Considerations

Healthy children were used for this study although the parents of the children generally had a high socio-economic status with an interest in health and nutrition issues.

Last Updated info


Software Required

Not reported

Training Required

Not reported

Instructions on use

Parents were instructed by trained dietitians

Administration Method

By-proxy: Parent

Data Analysis

Instructions on how to use the dietary assessment tool can be found in the publication

Author Year Comparator Lifestage Sex Number of Nutrients Validated Mean Difference Variance Measured info Correlation Coefficients Percentage Agreement Limits of Agreement Special Considerations Action
Bokhof 2010 Biomarkers Children (3-4 years) Both 1 N in urine was measured by the Kjeldahl method and the assumption was made that the N excreted accounted for 80% of the ingested protein.
Biomarkers Children (7-8 years) Both 1
Biomarkers Adolescents Both 1
Biomarkers Adolescents, Adults Both 1
Biomarkers Children, Adolescents, Adults Both 1