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Tool Library Best Practice Guidelines – Evaluation Checklist (opens new tab)

Tool Information: DietQ FFQ (Fatty acids)

Macronutrient, Food Groups Usual; Retrospective Week/Month Food Frequency Questionnaire No


This tool is a semi-quantitative paper based, short food frequency questionnaire which inluded 129 food items and 2 additional questions relating to food eaten outisde the home and vitamin supplementation. The tool was designed to assess dietary fatty acid consumption in addition to other more commonly measured nutrients. The tool was validated in 2003.

Contact Information info

Emma Broadfield

Tool Website

Special Considerations

The tool is an adapted version on the DIETQ FFQ used by Burr et al (1989). The update involves expanding on the questions in order to include greater detail of the food items from which the majority of dietary fatty acids are obtained in the diet.

Last Updated info


Software Required

Yes for data analysis

Training Required

Not reported

Instructions on use

Not reported

Administration Method


Data Analysis

Instructions on how the dietary data was analysed can be found in the publications.

Author Year Comparator Lifestage Sex Number of Nutrients Validated Mean Difference Variance Measured info Correlation Coefficients Percentage Agreement Limits of Agreement Special Considerations Action
Broadfield 2003 Weighed Food Diary Adults Both 4 Staff and research students from the Division of Respiratory Medicine.