Useful Links
Dietary Assessment Registries
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR)
DIET@NET Publications
DIET@NET Manuscripts:
Cade, J.E., Warthon-Medina, M., Albar, S., Alwan, N.A., Ness, A., Roe, M., Wark, P.A., Greathead, K., Burley, V.J., Finglas, P., Johnson, L., Page, P., Roberts, K., Steer, T., Hooson, J., Greenwood, D.C. and Robinson, S. 2017.
DIET@NET: Best Practice Guidelines for dietary assessment in health research. BMC Medicine. 15(1), p202.
DIET@NET Abstracts
Warthon-Medina, M., Hooson, J., Hancock, N., Alwan, N.A., Ness, A., Wark, P.A., Margetts, B., Robinson, S., Steer, T., Page, P., Finglas, P., Key, T., Roe, M., Amoutzopoulos, B., Greenwood, D.C. and Cade, J.E.
Development of Nutritools, an interactive dietary assessment tools website, for use in health research. The Lancet. 390, pS94. Public Health Science Conference, London 24th November 2017. Poster presentation by Nisreen. -
Warthon-Medina, M., J. Hooson, N. Hancock, N. A. Alwan, A. Ness, P. A. Wark, B. Margetts, S. Robinson, P. Page and J. E. Cade (2017).
"A new website to support dietary assessment in health research: Nisreen Alwan." European Journal of Public Health 27(suppl_3): ckx186.320-ckx186.320. EPH, Stockholm, Sweden 1-4th November 2017. E-poster -
Warthon-Medina, M., Hooson, J., Hancock, N., Alwan, N.A., Ness, A., Wark, P.A., Margetts, B., Robinson, S., Steer, T., Page, P., Finglas, P., Key, T., and Cade, J.E. on behalf of the DIET@NET consortium. a novel website to support dietary assessment in health research. Public Health England, Warwick 12th-13th September, 2017. E-poster by Janet. -
Cade J, Warthon-Medina M, Hooson J, Hancock, N. P63 Diet@net: development of the nutritools website for dietary assessment.
J Epidemiol Community Health 2017;71:A79. SSM 7th September, 2017. Poster presentation by Marisol. -
Cade J.E, Warthon-Medina M, Albar S, Alwan N.A. Ness A, Roe M, Wark P.A, Greathead K, Burley V.J, Finglas P, Johnson L, Page P, Roberts K, Steer T, Hooson J, Greenwood D.C, Robinson S, on behalf of the DIET@NET consortium.
DIET@NET Best practice guidelines for dietary assessment in health research. World Congress of Epidemiology (WCE2017), Japan 19-22 August, 2017. Poster presentation by Janet. -
Hooson, J., Warthon-Medina, M., Hancock, N. and Cade, J.E. 2017. A new approach for developing food frequency questionnaires: the Food Questionnaire Creator.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 76(OCE4), pE164. King’s college London, 10th –12th July, 2017. Oral presentation by Marisol. -
Cade J, Warthon-Medina M, Albar S, Alwan N.A, Ness A, Roe M, Wark P.A, Greathead K, Burley V.J, Finglas P, Johnson L, Page P, Roberts K, Steer T, Hooson J, Greenwood D.C, Robinson S, on behalf of the DIET@NET consortium.
DIET@NET Best practice guidelines for dietary assessment in health research. ISBNPA, 7-10th June, 2017. Oral presentation by Marisol. -
Hooson J, Warthon-Medina M, Hancock N. & Cade J.E on behalf of the DIET@NET consortium.
DIET@NET: Food Questionnaire Creator for dietary assessment in health. ISBNPA, 7-10th June, 2017. Poster presentation by Jozef. -
Hooson J, Warthon-Medina M, Hancock N, Greenwood D.C, Robinson S, Burley V.J, Roe M, Steer T, Wark P.A & Cade J.E on behalf of the DIET@NET Consortium.
Validated Dietary Assessment Tools: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews. ISBNPA, 7-10th June, 2017. Oral presentation by Jozef. -
Hooson, J., N. Hancock, D. C. Greenwood, S. Robinson, V. J. Burley, M. Roe, T. Steer, P. A. Wark and J. E. Cade (2016).
"A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews of Validated Dietary Assessment Tools." Proc Nutr Soc 75(OCE3). -
Albar, S., S. Robinson, N. Alwan, V. Burley, P. Finglas, L. Harvey, L. Johnson, A. Ness, P. Page, K. Roberts, M. Roe, T. Steer, P. Wark and J. Cade (2016).
"P29 Best practice guidance for dietary assessment in research: DIET@NET Guidelines." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 70(Suppl 1): A66-A67. -
Warthon-Medina, M., J. Hooson, N. Hancock, J. Hutchinson, E. Vargas-Garcia, L. E. Gibson, L. A. Bush, K. Greathead, B. Knowles, B. Margetts, S. Robinson, A. Ness,
N. A. Alwan, P. A. Wark, M. Roe, P. Finglas, T. Steer, P. Page, T. Key, L. Johnson, K. Roberts, B. Amoutzopoulos, V. J. Burley, D. C. Greenwood and J. E. Cade (2018).
" an innovative website including a Food Questionnaire Creator for dietary assessment in health research." Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 77(OCE4): E125. -
Warthon-Medina M, Hooson J, Hancock N, Gibson L.E, Bush L.A, Hutchinson J, Greenwood D.C, Robinson S, Burley V.J, Roe M, Steer T, Wark P.A. and Cade J.E. on behalf of the DIET@NET Consortium.
"Systematic review and website presentation of validated dietary assessment tools." Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 77(OCE4): E202. University of Leeds, Leeds ‘Getting energy balance right’, 10th -12th July 2018. Poster presented by Jayne.
Publications and Guidelines
- The Equator network (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research)
Strobe Statement Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology
- Lachat, C., D. Hawwash, M. C. Ocké, C. Berg, E. Forsum, A. Hörnell, C. Larsson, E. Sonestedt, E. Wirfält, A. Åkesson, P. Kolsteren, G. Byrnes, W. De Keyzer, J. Van Camp, J. E. Cade, N. Slimani, M. Cevallos, M. Egger and I. Huybrechts (2016). "Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology—Nutritional Epidemiology (STROBE-nut): An Extension of the STROBE Statement." PLoS Med 13(6): e1002036.
- The International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Dietary Intake and Exposure
- Cochrane Library
Food Composition Databases
Foods Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
- NUTTAB (NUTrient TABles for use in Australia) - Australia’s reference nutrient database. Consists of 2668 foods with 245 food components.
- AUSNUT (AUStralian Food and NUTrient Database) - survey specific nutrient databases that support national nutrition surveys. Consists of 5740 foods with 51 food components.
The Austrian food composition table
The ÖNWT (Austrian Nutrition Table) contains nutritional information, allergen information, synonyms and serving sizes. Consists of 8000 foods with 120 food components.
Belgian Food Database
Consists of 1200 foods with 32 food components.
Canadian Nutrient File
Consists of 5807 foods with 150 food components.
Czech Food Composition database
The Czech Food Composition Database food record contains data on 569 food items for up to 99 food components. Data processed and documented in accordance with the standardized procedure of the international net of excellence EuroFIR.
The official Danish Food Composition Database
The Danish Food Composition Database food record contains data on 1049 food items for up to 92 food components.
Finnish Food Composition Database (Fineli)
3737 foods with 55 food components. National Institute for Health and Welfare.
French food composition table
1440 foods with 57 food components. ANSES (French agency for food, environmental and occupational health safety).
German Nutrient Data Base (Bundeslebensmittelschlüssel)
10000 foods with 137 food components. Mainly generated by algorithms and model calculations. Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food.
SFKDB (Souci-Fachmann-Kraut Datenbank)
800 foods with 300 food components. Based on literature review and analysis created by the collection of scientific data and institute internal analysis results of the German Research Centre for Food Chemistry.
Composition tables of foods and Greek dishes
By calculation: 214 foods with 27 food components. By laboratory analysis: 86 foods with 17 food components.
Food composition tables
180 foods with 30 food components. University of Crete & Department of Nutrition.
The Icelandic Food Composition Database (ISGEM)
900 foods with 45 food components. Data quality is evaluated according to rules from the EuroFIR project. Matis ltd. is an Icelandic Food and Biotech R&D institute.
Irish Food Composition Database
1000 foods with 41 food components.
Food Composition Database for Epidemiological Studies in Italy (BDA)
978 foods with 91 food components. Adheres to EuroFIR guidelines. Database of Food Composition for Epidemiological Studies in Italy (BDA).
Latvian National Food Composition Data Base
Part of the data has been obtained from laboratory tests, some of the information provided by the manufacturer. Langual. PVD evaluation and registration center professionals RSU, the Latvian University and the Latvian Agricultural University scientists.
Dutch Nutrients Database (NEVO)
NEVO online contains data on a total of 2194 foods with 142 food components. The food data compilation process adheres to internationally accepted standards, as described in the EuroFIR Quality Management System and the EuroFIR generic flow chart for food data compilation (Castanheira I et al., 2009; Westenbrink S et al., 2009*) is followed. This way, the work is standardised as far as possible and data are quality assured. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
Norwegian Food Composition Tables (online)
1543 foods with 38 food components. Chemical analyses performed in Norwegian quality-assured laboratories. Values that are provided by the industry or borrowed from foreign food composition tables. Values that are estimated based on similar food items and dishes. Information on food by public authorities.
Polish Food Composition tables (online)
National Food and Nutrition Institute.
Food Composition Table – INSA
1094 foods with 42 food components. EuroFIR method for the calculation of nutrients in recipes. Energy values were calculated according to the Regulation (EU) N.º 1169/2011. Langual. Portuguese Platform Food Information.
Serbian Food and Nutrition Database (online)
Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Slovak Food Composition Data Bank (SFCDB)
1400 foods with 54 food components. Most values are average values from experimental data and/or literature data. Additional values are imputed or estimated. Ministry of Agriculture and rural development of the Slovak Republic.
Spanish based Food Composition Data - RedBEDCA (online)
941 foods with 40 food components. Published by the Red BEDCA the Ministry of Science and Innovation and under the coordination and financing of the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. Values obtained from various sources including laboratories, food industry and scientific publications or calculated.
NFA Food Composition Database (online)
2073 foods with 57 food components.
Swiss Food Composition Database (online)
10500 foods with 35 food components Operated by the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO. The Swiss Society for Nutrition SSN manages the contents and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich ETH provides the required software.
Turkish Food Composition Database (online)
580 foods with 100 food components. Langual.
Food Composition Table for use in The Gambia (MRC Human Nutrition Research)
The nutrient composition of the most commonly consumed rural Gambian foods as prepared by Mandinka people is given in the Food Composition Table.
Composition of foods integrated dataset (CoFID) 2015
3291 food items, 275 food components. McCance and Widdowson’s 'composition of foods integrated dataset' on the nutrient content of the UK food supply.
USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
9000 foods with 33 food components. Maintained by the Nutrient Data Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center.
Specialist Databases
eBASIS (Bioactive Substances in Food Information Systems), hosted by EuroFIR is a database that contains compositional and biological effects data for bioactive compounds of plant origin. The database has a user-friendly, efficient, and flexible interface facilitating use by both the scientific community and food industry. Overall, eBASIS contains data for 267 foods, covering the composition of 800 bioactive compounds, from 1200 quality-evaluated peer-reviewed publications, together with information from 567 publications describing beneficial bioeffect studies carried out in humans.
ePlantLIBRA database, hosted by EuroFIR using the structure of eBASIS, contains validated scientific information on the composition of plant food supplement (PFS) bioactive compounds as well as their putative health benefits, adverse effects, and contaminants and residues. Data from over 570 publications have been quality evaluated and entered covering 70 PFS or their botanical ingredients.
Phenol-Explorer is a database on polyphenol content in foods. The database contains more than 35,000 content values for 500 different polyphenols in over 400 foods. These data are derived from the systematic collection of more than 60,000 original content values found in more than 1,300 scientific publications. Each of these publications has been critically evaluated before inclusion in the database. The whole data on the polyphenol composition of foods is available for download.
Database Directories
International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS)
International food composition table/database directory containing over 200 references. Most of the tables are not held by the INFOODS Secretariat, and many are out of print. However, copies are held in libraries around the world and can often be obtained by library interloan.
International food composition tables
International food composition table/database directory containing over 100 references.
Food Composition Resources
European Food Information Resource
Covering: what are food composition databases, how they are made and their quality and adherence to standards.
INFOODS (International Network of Food Data Systems)
A worldwide network of food composition experts aiming to improve the quality, availability, reliability and use of food composition data:
- development of international criteria for judging the quality of data on food composition;
- identification of existing sources of useful data on food composition;
- promotion of the generation, acquisition, and dissemination of new data on the composition of foods, beverages and their ingredients that meet the criteria developed; and
- facilitating, on a world-wide basis, the access, retrieval, interchange, and general harmonization of food composition data.
Crowd Sourced Databases
Open Food Facts – World
A database of food products with ingredients, allergens, nutrition facts and associated information on product labels. A non-profit project developed by thousands of volunteers from around the world. The database is published as open data.
Data Resources
Citing content on Nutritools
Acknowledging Nutritools
General citation
Example of general citation of the Nutritools website where several areas of the website have been accessed:
Nutritools. 2018. Nutritools website. [online]. [Date accessed]. Available from:
Specific citation
Example of targeted citation of the Nutritools website where just one aspect has been access (in this case Dietary Assessment Guidelines):
Nutritools. 2018. Nutritools website: Dietary Assessment Guidelines. [online]. [Date accessed]. Available from:
Acknowledging the NDNS
If projects and questionnaires are created on Nutritools using the Food Questionnaire Creator and results from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey are published, the following citation must be included:
NatCen Social Research, MRC Elsie Widdowson Laboratory, University College London. Medical School. (2017). National Diet and Nutrition Survey Years 1-6, 2008/09-2013/14. [data collection]. 8th Edition. UK. Data Service. SN: 6533,
Acknowledging UK Food Composition Tables
If projects and questionnaires are created on Nutritools using the Food Questionnaire Creator and results from the The McCance and Widdowson’s Composition of Foods Integrated Dataset are published, the following citation must be included:
Finglas, P., Roe, M., Pinchen, H., Berry, R., Church, S., Dodhia, S., Powel, N., Farron-Wilson, M., McCardle, J., Swan, G. (2015) McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods Integrated Dataset 2015. (including foods from 2008 CoFID not reviewed or validation in 2015 CoFID) URL:
Acknowledging uploaded nutritional data
If projects and questionnaires are created on Nutritools using food tables uploaded by the researcher, then the source of the food tables should be appropriately referenced.
Acknowledging the food portion images
If projects and questionnaires are created on Nutritools using food images in the FQC and results are published
Foster, E., 2017, Young Person's Food Atlas: Relative Validation Against Weighed Food Diaries, 2007-2009, [data collection], UK Data Service, [Date accessed]. SN: 8126,
Acknowledging dietary assessment tools
Any dietary assessment tools used in research should be appropriately referenced.
Portion Size Information
A photographic Atlas of Food Portion Sizes, Dr M Nelson, M Atkinson, J Meyer, 1997
- A Photographic Atlas of Food Portion Sizes
- Food Portion Sizes - A User's Guide to the Photographic Atlas
- Young Person’s Food Atlas: Pre-school, Primary and Secondary, Dr E Foster, A Hawkins, Prof A Adamson, 2010
Other Sources of Useful Information
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- Diet, Anthropometry and Physical Activity (DAPA) Measurement Toolkit
- Australasian Child & Adolescent Obesity Research Network (ACAORN)
- International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Nutrition